Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

What is Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy?

What is Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy and What are its Symptoms?

3D illustration of Heart, medical concept.

Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is a genetic condition that causes damage to the heart muscle and one or both ventricles. The damage replaces the heart muscle tissue with fibrosis scar tissue and fat. It is the second most common cause of death in young athletes.

Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy impacts the heart’s normal transmission of electrical signals, which classifies it as a heart rhythm disorder. This condition can lead to heart failure or sudden cardiac death. The risk of sudden death increases with both exercise and age.

There are three types of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy based on the location of the damage:

  • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: affects the right ventricle
  • Left dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy affects the left ventricle
  • Biventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: affects both ventricles

It is seen in families and is a genetic disorder. However, some families have a stronger history of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. There is no link between this disorder and environmental conditions. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy doesn’t discriminate; patients of all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities can have this condition. Typically, this heart disease is common in adults in their 20s or 30s. Sometimes this disease presents in children and other times in later adulthood.


Common Symptoms of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Include:

  • Rapid palpitations
  • Sudden loss of consciousness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Heart failure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Inflammation of the heart muscles
  • Swelling in the lower limbs

Some patients may have cracks in the skin of their palms and feet, brittle and/or kinky hair, and changes in their teeth.

Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis & Treatment

Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy resembles other heart disorders. Because of the similarities, misdiagnosing this condition is, unfortunately, common. For an accurate diagnosis, a physician will complete a physical exam and perform imaging tests of the heart. If possible, they will also perform genetic testing. Physicians may choose to skip the genetic test if patients have a documented history of family members with the condition. If a patient’s genetic testing comes back as positive, the physician may need to encourage relatives to get tested for the disorder as well.

Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplantation

The only cure for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is heart transplantation, but physicians can offer symptom management options. Physicians will focus on restoring heart rhythm and management of Heart Disease and Heart Failure symptoms. After the initial diagnosis, patients may not need treatment management if the symptoms do not worsen with time. Patients can go on beta-blocker medications or receive an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to regulate heart rhythm, and, most importantly reduce or eliminate their endurance exercise activity.

Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

At the Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI) researchers are interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying the risk of sudden death in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy . Using gene therapy techniques, researchers at CVRTI are developing strategies to rescue the disease in model systems. Investigators use state of the art electrocardiography  and echocardiography to characterize the disease progression and response to treatment. In order to translate the findings to patients, Investigators have access to donated heart tissues  to study and compare their results in model systems to patient’s heart with the disease. Researchers at CVRTI are rapidly developing new solutions and treatment options for patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Ongoing research at the CVRTI aims to improve outcomes for patients with this disease.

2022 Heart Disease Statistics You Need to Know 

2022 Heart Disease And Statistics You Need to Know

Heart attack pain as a human cardiovascular organ with a painful cardiac inflamation with 3D illustration elements.

Heart Disease Research Conducted at Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI)

Arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, cardiac arrest are all different types of heart diseases. Some of these can be controlled or prevented through diet, exercise, or medications, but some are sudden and unexpected. Some people are born with heart disease, and some develop heart disease through lifestyle choices. While there are many types and causes of heart disease, it is important to be aware of the symptoms. Heart disease can be a lethal disease, but with treatment, it can be managed. Below are 6 shocking heart disease statistics.

Heart Disease Is The Leading Cause Of Death In The United States

Among men and women from different ethnic and racial groups, heart disease is unfortunately seen among all of them. Data collected from 1999 through 2018 shows heart disease has been the leading cause of death of adults in the United States. To prevent heart disease, it is important to be educated on the signs and symptoms of heart disease and perform routine tests with your doctor.

Every 30 seconds someone in the United States passes away from heart disease

Heart disease can be deadly, especially when diagnosed late. The earlier the diagnosis, the more opportunities to stop or reverse the damage. Emergency rooms and medical professions see patients daily who have various heart disease conditions; some arrive with late stages or untreated heart disease. The best prevention for heart disease is to monitor heart health, control diet, and exercise. Your physician can work with you to develop a comprehensive care plan for heart health.

25% of all deaths in the United States are linked to heart disease

To prevent heart disease and heart disease-related deaths, it is important to notice the symptoms. Symptoms of heart disease include fluttering heart, chest pains, shortness of breath, swelling in lower extremities, upper body discomfort.

Roughly $400 billion is spent on heart disease annually in the United States.

Individually, patients with heart disease and their families can feel the financial burden from heart disease. As heart disease conditions progress, some patients have to take time off of work in addition to the cost of treatment and medications. In the United States, it is estimated to be roughly $400 billion spent annually on heart disease through health services, medications, and loss of wages.

The most common type of heart disease is coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is when the arteries struggle to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart. Annually in the United States, roughly 400,000 people die from coronary heart disease. Some patients of coronary heart disease experience no symptoms.

20% of all heart attacks in the United States are silent

Most patients who experience a heart attack will feel the damage and can receive treatment. However, 20% of heart attack patients will not exhibit any symptoms and have no idea about the damage occurring to their heart. Patients can survive a silent heart attack, and it can be diagnosed after it occurs using imaging technology.

Heart disease is a very dangerous and deadly disease. Everyone’s health can benefit from practicing healthy heart habits. Patients with diabetes, excessive weight, unhealthy diets, and sedentary lifestyles are especially at risk.

Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

At the Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI), we have a broad array of research teams studying multiple aspects of heart disease. Not only do we perform cutting edge basic research, we also can take our discoveries from the bench to more translational pre-clinical studies, to clinical research in humans. 

We have researchers exploring metabolism in the heart focusing on the linkage between mitochondria and failing hearts and arrhythmia. Other researchers are investigating heart muscle cells during disease progression and how the function of ion channels and signaling proteins differ in normal and failing hearts.

The ultimate goal of heart disease research at the CVRTI is to provide interventional therapies by utilizing translational medicine to create a true ‘bench to bedside’ approach at reducing the impact of heart failure.  Researchers are examining the dangerous effects of cardiac arrhythmia and possible therapeutic interventions to minimize or reverse the progression of heart disease. Other researchers focus on treatment options associated with ion channels ‘becoming lost’ in the diseased heart while on their way to their proper locations within the heart.

Research Labs

Drakos Laboratory

The Drakos Laboratory, headed by Stavros Drakos, MD, PhD, focuses on understanding the metabolic and molecular profile of the failing and recovered heart and utilizes biological information derived from studies in humans, small, and large animal HF models to understand, predict and manipulate myocardial recovery. Original work generated by the Drakos research team in the laboratory and in the clinical arena led to the founding and establishment of the award winning multidisciplinary Utah Cardiac Recovery Program (UCAR). Link to lab summary page on CVRTI

Sachse Laboratory 

The Sachse Laboratory, headed by Frank Sachse, PhD, provides insights into structural and functional remodeling in diseased hearts and mechanisms of cardiac recovery after clinical therapy. They also develop optical approaches to support pediatric heart surgery and interventional cardiology.

Shaw Laboratory

The Shaw Laboratory, headed by Robin Shaw, MD, PhD, is focused on understanding the cell biology of heart arrhythmias and heart failure progression. Link to lab summary page on CVRTI The Shaw Laboratory, headed by Robin Shaw, MD, PhD, is focused on understanding the cell biology of heart arrhythmias and heart failure progression. Link to lab summary page on CVRTI

Ranjan Laboratory

The Ranjan Laboratory, headed by Ravi Ranjan, MD, PhD, focuses on developing a better understanding of arrhythmia mechanisms and optimizing the ablation procedure. The lab is using a combination of high density electrical mapping and imaging in an animal model combined with computational modeling to develop a better understanding of arrhythmia mechanisms. To optimize the ablation procedure, the team uses MRI to quantify tissue changes including reversible edema over time for different energy sources and ablation parameters to develop the optimal ablation technique. Link to lab summary page on CVRTI 

What is Cardiac Metabolism?

What is Cardiac Metabolism?

Cardiac Metabolism

The goal of cardiac metabolism is to produce chemical energy (ATP) to fuel the heart function. By doing so, the heart is able to continuously pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. In normal, healthy cardiac metabolism an efficient rate of ATP fuels heart muscle function. In the context of heart failure, cardiac metabolism becomes impaired. The consequences of this metabolic remodeling include ATP inefficiency, impaired heart function, and progression to a more severe heart failure. Many researchers hypothesize that the treatment of cardiac metabolism has a high potential for therapeutic approaches in the treatment of heart failure patients.

Metabolism in the Normal Heart

Here’s how normal cardiac metabolism works: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy source for the heart and is used to fuel the heart’s activities – 60-70% of ATP is used to fuel the contraction of the heart muscle, and the remaining 30-40% is used in ion pumps. ATP is a highly energetic molecule because it contains high-energy phosphate bonds. The ATP pool in the heart is small and can be exhausted in a few seconds. As a result, cardiac function is highly dependent on ATP continuous synthesis, and impaired cardiac metabolism may be a precursor or direct cause of heart failure. Most (70-90%) of cardiac ATP comes from fatty acids, and the remaining ATP is derived from glucose, lactate, ketone bodies, and other amino acids.

Cardiac Metabolism in Heart Failure

The extent of metabolic impairments differs between heart failure patients. Various heart failure models in small animals have shown differing levels of hypertrophy and a presence of reduced diastolic and/or systolic dysfunction. This change in cardiac function reflects the metabolic pathways for ATP generation are altered. For example, many heart failure models of rodents are characterized by a reduced expression of genes regulating fatty acid metabolism and increased expression of genes related to glucose metabolism.

In general, most research has shown that there is a reduction in the hearts preferred fuel source (i.e. fatty acids) in heart failure patients. As 70-90% of cardiac ATP (energy) comes from fatty acid oxidation, typically the failing heart will attempt to compensate by increasing glucose oxidation. However, this is less efficient and does not produce as much ATP.

Cardiac Metabolism in a Healthy Heart vs Heart Failure

 ATP Production in the HeartUtilization of alternative pathways in the heart?
Healthy HeartATP efficiently produced in the heartNot very active for energy production (PPP, HBP, autophagy, ROS)
Heart FailureInefficient ATP production in the heartReductions to fatty acid utilization, upregulation of glucose oxidation


Potential Targets for Metabolic Therapy for Heart Failure under investigation in CVRTI and other institutions

  1. Cardiac Glucose metabolism and inhibition of MCT4 (lactate exporter) aiming to rebalance the pyruvate-lactate axis to augment mitochondrial oxidation
  2. Cardiac Fatty Acid (FA) Metabolism
  3. Mechanistic link between cardiac FA metabolism and contractile function remains controversial
  4. Augmenting FA metabolism could work but additional research is required
  5. Other potential targets include Cardiac Anaplerosis, AMPK Activation, Activation of Cardiac GLP-1 Receptors, – all of these require additional research.


The decreased cardiac energy production resulting from changes in cardiac metabolism represents impairments to metabolic pathways for fatty acids, glucose, and other substrates. The metabolic remodeling that happens in heart failure not only results in energy deficiency but also changes in other associated pathways affecting growth, homeostasis, and autophagy. Therapies targeting metabolic pathways represent a very promising area of research for the treatment of heart failure.

What is Cardiogenic Shock?

Cardiogenic Shock Symptoms: Causes, Effects, and Treatmentsdd


Cardiogenic Shock Explained 

First we need to ask, what is Cardiogenic Shock (CS)? CS is a life-threatening condition whereby the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. While a severe heart attack most often causes it, not everyone who has a heart attack experiences cardiogenic shock. While a serious heart attack usually damages the left ventricle (the main pumping chamber), it can sometimes damage the right ventricle, which pumps blood to the lungs.

Causes and Complications of Cardiogenic Shock

  • Myocarditis: inflammation of the heart muscle
  • Endocarditis: infection-induced inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
  • Arrhythmias: irregular heartbeat (abnormal heart) where either the lower chambers fibrillate (ventricular fibrillation) or where the ventricles beat too fast (ventricular tachycardia)
  • Pericardial tamponade: pressure on the heart due to excess fluid present around the heart
  • Pulmonary embolism: blood clot developed in a blood vessel; leads to blockage of blood flow
  • Rupture of the heart or damage to the valves
  • Critical illness: the heart is not able to contract as hard as it should after resuscitation from cardiac arrest or with critical illness following trauma or severe infections

Understanding Heart Disease Symptoms

Symptoms may present fast and include sudden shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, confusion, anxiety, sweating, chills, rapid and weak heartbeat or heart rhythm, fatigue, or low or absent urinary output. Patients with cardiogenic shock may also enter into a coma if the shock is not treated quickly enough. Furthermore, because cardiogenic shock usually results from a heart attack, patients will usually experience heart attack symptoms – chest pain/pressure, shoulder & arm pain, sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

How a Medical Doctor Can Diagnose CS

A doctor can confirm a Cardiogenic Shock diagnosis by supplementing patient symptoms with testing and vital signs. Testing can include performing an ECG, chest x-ray, blood tests, echocardiogram, or cardiac catheterization. Patients with any type of shock present with low blood pressure end end-organ hypoperfusion (e.g., low urine output). Cardiogenic Shock patients specifically have a low cardiac output, elevated ventricle filling pressures, and decreased venous oxygen saturation.

Managing Heart Failure Disease 

Unfortunately, Cardiogenic Shock is a complex disease frequently associated with multisystem organ failure. Few evidence-based interventions can definitively improve patient outcomes. Emergency treatment includes oxygen administration and mechanical ventilation in more severe cases.  

Medications Administered to Increase the Heart’s Ability to Pump Blood & Reduce Blood Clot Risk After Cardiogenic Shock.

  • Vasopressors: Used to treat low blood pressure (e.g., dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine)
  • Inotropic agents: Used to improve heart pumping function (e.g., dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone)
  • Blood-thinning medications:
    • Aspirin: Used sparingly to reduce blood clotting and keep blood moving through arteries
    • Antiplatelets: Used to prevent blood clotting (e.g., Plavix)
    • Others such as heparin

Beyond medication and immediate treatment, procedures to restore regular blood flow can be performed on patients experiencing Cardiogenic Shock Symptoms. Inside the body, angioplasty and stenting help open blocked arteries and facilitate blood flow to the heart. A balloon pump can be used to assist the heart in pumping blood to the body. Alternatively, in very sick patients, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) allows efficient blood pumping outside of the body through a heart-lung machine.

Doctors can perform surgery on  Cardiogenic Shock patients as a last resort, such as coronary artery bypass surgery or a heart transplant.


Cardiogenic Shock is the leading cause of death after myocardial infarction (a heart attack). Higher incidences of CS occur in women, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and patients older than 75. CS incidence has increased due to improved diagnosis and better global access to care. 6 to 12 month mortality is approximately 50% but can be as high as 70-90% in the absence of aggressive, highly experienced technical care.

Classifying Symptom Severity for Enhanced Treatment Strategies

As there is a broad spectrum of clinical severity among patients presenting with CS, a classification system developed in 2019 stratifies CS into five categories: A (At Risk), B (Beginning), C (Classic), D (Deteriorating), and E (Extremis). CS is difficult to study because patients can deteriorate rapidly, informed consent is hard to obtain from the patient, and a variety of heterogeneous disease states can present as cardiogenic shock. Improved clinical characterization and risk assessment of CS patients may lead to more effective clinical treatment and outcomes in the future.

CVRTI’s Center for Study in Cardiology and Heart Disease

Years of basic and clinical research have positioned investigators from the Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute as world leaders in understanding heart biology. In addition, a clear understanding of the mechanisms of injury has led to several therapeutic advancements. The CVRTI’s excellence has materialized in the Utah Cardiac Recovery Program  or UCARS . This is a registry that focuses on better understanding CS to improve patient outcomes ultimately. Investigators have also developed a team approach to care for patients with severe CS. They demonstrated that patients managed by a multi-disciplinary team (heart failure cardiologist, heart failure cardiothoracic surgeon, interventional cardiologist, and a Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit physician) do better. Other groups at the CVRTI focus on developing novel drugs to protect and rescue injured hearts in both acute and chronic conditions. Investigators from the CVRTI have discovered two proteins (GJA1-20k  and cBIN1) that are key players in normal myocardial function. Those molecules could be used to treat CS . Our investigators are testing whether administering those proteins can protect the heart after blockage of the main arteries in the heart or following major traumatic injuries. If successful, those groups could champion significant advances that will improve CS patients’ survival.