Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

An experimental study in dogs

Drs. Abildskov, Burgess, and Lux demonstrate the conditions of increased local disparity of ventricular recovery which increase vulnerability to arrhythmia can be detected by analysis of the body surface electrocardiogram.
Urie PM, Burgess MJ, Lux RL, Wyatt R, Abildskov JA. The electrocardiographic recognition of cardiac states at high risk of ventriculararrhythmias: An experimental study in dogs. Circulation Research, 42 (3), 350-358, 1978

Detecting ventricular in humans

Drs. Abildskov, Burgess, Lux, and Vincent study he utility of body surface electrical mapping in detecting ventricular recovery properties in humans. Abildskov JA, Burgess MJ, Lux RL, Wyatt R, Vincent M. The Expression of Normal Ventricular Repolarization in the Body Surface Distribution of T Potentials. Circulation, 54 (6), 901-906, 1976