Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

Relationship between ventricular action potential duration and electrograms

Drs. Haws and Lux demonstration of the close relationship between ventricular action potential duration (cellular recordings) and electrograms recorded at the body surface.
Haws CSW and Lux RL. Correlation between in vivo transmembrane action potential durations and activation-recovery intervals from electrograms. Effects of interventions that alter repolarization time. Circulation 81, 281–288, 1990

First Plasma Lipid

Drs. McIntyre, Prescott, Stafforini, and Zimmerman first demonstrate that the plasma lipid environment significantly modulates PAF hydrolase activity provided the basis for further research concerning lipid signaling and inflammatory regulation.
Stafforini DM, Carter ME, Zimmerman GA, McIntyre. TM, Prescott SM. Lipoproteins alter the catalytic behavior of the platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase in human plasma. PNAS 86, 2393-2397, 1989

Inflammatory cell-cell interactions

Drs. McIntyre, Prescott, and Zimmerman demonstrate that thrombin promotes neutrophil-endothelial interaction provided the basis for further research regarding inflammatory cell-cell interactions. 
Zimmerman GA, McIntyre TM, Prescott SM. Thrombin stimulates the adherence of neutrophils to human endothelial cells in vitro. J. Clin. Invest. 76, 2235-2246, 1985

Human Endothelial Cells

Drs. McIntyre, Prescott, and Zimmerman demonstrate that human endothelial cells rapidly express adhesion molecules for leukocytes when activated by prothrombotic or proinflammatory agonists. 
Prescott SM, Zimmerman GA, McIntyre TM. Human endothelial cells in culture produce platelet-activating factor (1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) when stimulated with thrombin. PNAS, 881, 3534-3538, 1984