Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research & Training Institute

About the Cardiovascular Grant

  • The primary criteria for selection will be scientific excellence and relevance of the proposed research to the field of cardiovascular disease.
  • Standard support is provided for 2 years. Second-year support is subject to evaluation by the training grant steering committee.
  • The training grant will contribute partial funding towards the cost of the employer portion of health benefits any additional costs will be the responsibility of trainee’s home department/unit.
  • All appointees are required to take the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Rigor & Reproducibility training.
  • All trainees will be required to complete a writing course (MDCRC 6450) that is offered through the MSCI program.
  • All trainees are encouraged to attend weekly seminars and scientific conferences, as determined appropriate by the trainee’s Mentoring Committee.
  • Trainees are encouraged to participate in the annual Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium (UCARS) and/or Western Atrial Fibrillation Symposium.
  • Each trainee will be expected to complete the following communication skill development requirements:
    • Lecture Delivery: Prepare at least two oral presentations per year.
    • Abstract Submission: Each trainee should submit as first author at least one abstract to a scientific meeting.
    • Manuscript Submission: Each trainee should submit as first author at least one full manuscript to a peer-reviewed clinical or basic science journal.
    • Grant Application: Each trainee is required to submit an application for research funding, like American Heart Association or a NIH K08.
  • Trainees will be required to complete an Individual Development Plan and discuss this plan with their Mentoring Committee.